Večerní workshop Wine, a social asset! Místo konání: Hotel Barceló

Jean-Michel Deluc

Jean-Michel Deluc

Bývalý vrchní sommelier hotelu Ritz v Paříži a bývalý předseda pařížské Asociace Sommelieru. Jean-Michel je světová třída přes vína a svou vášeň sdílí s lidmi po celém světě.

Počet míst: 36
Jazyk: anglicky

Proč jít na workshop?

  • You will learn to read french wine labels.
  • You will get a better understanding of French Wine Regions.
  • You will taste wines selected by Jean Michel Deluc, from his favorite producers.
  • You will learn from the most pedagogical teacher & among the most renowned Master Sommelier in the world.
  • After that, you may impress your father in law or pick the right bottle at your next business meeting.

Co se naučíte?

Knowing a little about wine is a great asset for your offline social skill, from business gifts to romantic diners. It’s cheaper than golf and yet is endless to explore. Therefore, understanding French wines is essential. Jean Michel Deluc will take you to a tour into different wine regions from Burgundy, Loire Valley, Bordeaux, Champagne and more.

Regardless of your tasting skills, Jean Michel will explain the specificity of French wines and guide you through the Appelation system and what is hidden behind the complex labels.

For this workshop, you will enjoy a selection of wines picked by Jean Michel for, coming from small french producers that put a lot of love into their product!

Potřebné znalosti

We don't expect any minimum level, but you should
- Avoid smoking 30 minutes before
- Avoid coffee 45 minutes before
- Do not use any perfume before coming in

Obsazenost workshopu