AdWords Scripts: The Next Level of AdWords Optimization sunday 12:05 - 12:45

Russell Savage USA

Russell Savage

Our reasons for inviting each of the lecturers are based on unshakeable foundations. Russell Savage is a clear example of this. If his name does not ring a bell, you will surely know his gallery at

Not even in our wildest dreams did we expect to persuade the author of FreeAdwordsScripts website to come to Brno from as far as San Francisco to show us some of his tricks. But we pulled it off!

Lecture description

What is the data that drives your business? Are you using that data to make advertising decisions in real time? AdWords Scripts is a fast and easy way to programmatically access your AdWords data. You can use it to monitor your account, report on changes in performance, and optimize everything from bid modifiers to creative text. By leveraging external data feeds, you can bring data important to your business into your automation strategy. In this talk, we will introduce you to just some of the possibilities that exist today with AdWords scripting and give you the information you need to start using it in your accounts.

Why shouldn't you let this lecture pass you by?

  • Discover the untapped power of AdWords scripting for your accounts
  • Learn how people are optimizing their bids in ways never before possible with scripts
  • Explore the capabilities of using external data feeds in your accounts
  • See real examples of how AdWords scripting is changing the way marketers think about automation