Odpolední workshop Advanced AdWords Scripts: Design and Optimization Místo konání: NEWTON College

Russell Savage

Russell Savage

Naše důvody pro pozvání každého z přednášejících stojí na neotřesitelných základech. A Russell Savage je jasným příkladem onoho proč. Pokud vám jméno nic neříká, určitě budete znát jeho galerii FreeAdwordsScripts.com.

Počet míst: 26
Jazyk: anglicky

Proč jít na workshop?

  • Learn techniques for running scripts on larger accounts or across an MCC
  • Uncover the reasons why your AdWords scripts are not working and how to fix them
  • Get hands on experience writing and debugging your AdWords scripts
  • Save time every day by automating account reporting and optimization
  • Discover what others are using scripts for and take your optimizations to the next level

Co se naučíte?

In this workshop, you will get hands on experience designing, implementing, and optimizing an AdWords script from start to finish. After a brief introduction to some of the techniques we will be utilizing, we will take turns working together to write the code that will fully implement the script. We will cover optimization techniques that will enable you to build or modify scripts to run on larger accounts or across your entire MCC. We will be developing scripts based on the industries of the people enrolled in the class, so these will be directly applicable to your current role. If you want help optimizing any scripts you are currently using, we will have time at the end to debug and enhance those as well. You will leave this session with the knowledge to build upon scripts you develop or find online to take your automation to the next level.

Potřebné znalosti

The ideal student will have already leveraged AdWords scripts found online and made slight modifications in order to allow them to work with your account. You don't need to be a Javascript expert, but you are not afraid to write code and are interested in learning some advanced coding techniques.

Obsazenost workshopu

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