Ranní workshop How to indentify and get rid of your most dangerous links Místo konání: NEWTON College

Julie Joyce

Julie Joyce

Julie Joyce je proslulá linkbuilderka. Kolem SEO se Julie točí už více než 10 let, v současné době šéfuje agentuře Link Fish Media, Inc. Její články najdete například na serveru Search Engine Journal a Search Engine Land, je také spoluzakladatelkou blogu SEO Chicks.

Počet míst: 20
Jazyk: anglicky

Proč jít na workshop?

  • Learn how to gauge your risk using a variety of online analysis tools
  • Learn how to manually decide if a link is a problem
  • Debate whether you should clean up if you haven't yet been penalized
  • Should you still build links during cleanup?
  • Should I bother with clleanup or just disavow?

Co se naučíte?

In this workshop we will go through the link profiles of attendees in order to show how we conduct our link analysis work with a focus on identifying and deciding how to handle problem links. We will discuss the use of metrics vs. manual checking in making these decisions and go through the results in order to show the need for hand reviews before doing anything drastic as many good links are erroneously flagged and many bad links aren't identified by these tools.

Our efforts will be spent on actually looking at the links and discussing what factors make them good or bad. We will also discuss whether it's worth your time to cleanup your links or simply disavow them and we will talk about how long it takes to see results after a penalty.

Potřebné znalosti

To sign up for this workshop you should have a basic knowledge of Google's link and content based penalties and be able to understand the need for keeping your link profile as safe as possible.

Obsazenost workshopu

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